Chemical Peels Aftercare Advice

Chemical Peels Aftercare Advice

Chemical Peels: Post-Treatment Advice Soon after treatment there may be slight redness to the skin, especially when the face is treated.  This is perfectly normal and as a general rule should disappear within one or two hours. Skin treated should not be washed until...

Dermal Filler Aftercare Advice

Dermal Fillers: Post-Treatment Advice  Soon after treatment there may be slight redness, swelling, some tenderness, and itching at the site of the treated areas. This is a normal effect of the injection; it is only temporary and as a rule will disappear in one or two...

Stretch Mark Treatments Bristol

Treatments For Stretch Marks in Bristol Stretch marks (also known as “striae”) are areas of damage to the skin caused by persistent distension and stretching. The epidermal layers separate revealing striae of the underlying dermis which appears pink or...

Facial Rejuvenation Bristol

Rejuvenating Skin Treatments in Bristol Lots of people are looking for facial treatments in Bristol to make their skin look younger or rejuvenated. “Rejuvenation” is the words on everybody’s lips. Dr Brad uses a combination of treatments such as...

Acne Treatment Bristol

Private Acne Treatments in Bristol Do you suffer from acne to the face, neck, upper chest or upper back? Have you tired all of the over the counter acne products and failed to see a difference? Your GP might be able to prescribe you some antibiotics or creams for acne...